无论你是学生, 职员或教员, we encourage you to get involved through one (or more!)的机会.
学习新技能, expand your knowledge 和n apply this in a "real-life" situation, 在攻读学位的同时. Students have interned in many environment-related institutions, such as the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 美国绿色建筑委员会 和 环境保护署 (EPA). To learn about internship opportunities, visit Career and Professional Development or talk to your professor.
Service learning integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, 教导公民责任, 加强社区. Our 学生s have participated in service learning at the 环境保护基金, 国家野生动物联合会 和 Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. To learn more about service learning, talk to your professor or 校园部.
There are many ways you can become a green volunteer:
- 为我们的可持续发展博客撰稿. 联系 克里斯蒂娜Bordin 了解更多.
- 帮助组织地球周. 联系 克里斯蒂娜Bordin 看看你能不能参与进来.
- 为学生花园做贡献. 联系 可持续发展学生 to learn about working in the garden.
- 帮助维护道路 Wild Basin Preserve and Creative Research Center.
可持续发展学生 (SFS) is a chartered 学生 organization sponsored by the President’s Office. Our mission is to educate and actively engage the 学生 body about environmental issues and sustainable practices, 促进校园花园, and act as a medium for sustainability initiatives on campus.
SFS holds weekly meetings during the school year and always welcomes new members. 联系 the SFS 领导 Board to join:
登上山顶 is a 学生-run campaign that aims to transform our university into a bottled water-free campus. The goal is to decrease the sale of bottled water on campus by educating our community on both the environmental and health repercussions of plastic water bottle consumption. 可持续发展学生 launched 登上山顶 as a part of 食物和水观察组织 全国竞选. 通过以下方式参与活动:
- 签署登上山顶承诺 to demonstrate your commitment to taking back the tap.
- 喜欢我们的脸谱网页面 to stay in the loop on important events such as film screenings, talks and educational activities.
- 代理 as a model to your colleagues, classmates and friends by choosing tap over bottled water.
- Helping educate the community on how our habits affect the world around us.
地球周 is observed every April at St. 爱德华的. It's a time of celebration and collaboration — campus wide and across the wider community. These sustainability-themed events typically include lectures, film screenings and educational demonstrations. Check out what happened in previous years.
校园可持续发展日 allows for 学生s, faculty and staff to learn about sustainable initiatives that a variety of on- and off-campus organizations take in order to be more environmentally-friendly. 这次活动是由 可持续发展学生.
创建 您的免费帐户与 Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Higher Education (AASHE) to receive specialized resources (tools, 研究发现, 案例研究), 专业发展, and a network of peer support for sustainability in higher education. 有@stedwards的人.邮箱地址可以注册!