Your path to graduation will include hard work, enriching experiences 和 academic challenges that test 和 inspire you. To help you stay on top of your studies, St. 爱德华的提供 a range of support — from tutoring on class concepts to methods for organizing priorities 和 managing your time.
你的个人 成功的教练 is your primary support for navigating your college career. They’ll connect you to all of the resources, opportunities 和 people that help you realize your goals, including the following support services for being successful in your classes.
在线辅导 可以通过 梨甲板导师 (formerly TutorMe). 学生可以访问 梨甲板导师 全天候通过 梨甲板导师 Canvas课程页面. Tutoring is free for all students on a limited basis. 要开始,请访问 辅导任务中心 on myHilltop to complete the request form 和 see the 电视指南. 联系 学术支持计划 at 512-448-8660 or 了解更多信息.
补充说明(SI) 免费提供 & virtual review sessions for some of the most challenging courses. SI sessions are led by student leaders who did well in the course 和 are recommended by faculty. The weekly sessions are interactive 和 focus on the main concepts of the class. Data shows that students who attend SI regularly earn better grades! 秋季和春季提供.
Sometimes you need help arranging your life, organizing your course information or planning your coursework in a useful way. 与…预约 你的成功教练 to get help with these study strategies:
作为你专业的专家, your faculty advisor 和 other professors want to get to know you 和 are ideal guides 和 mentors during your time in college. 一定要和他们保持联系.
All faculty members have office hours, so if you have questions or concerns about a course you’re taking, don’t hesitate to stop by for a visit. Many faculty members are willing to meet by appointment as well.
就像你的成功教练, your faculty advisor can talk with you about careers in your field, 研究的机会, 实习和读研. They can also write letters of recommendation for internships, jobs 和 advanced studies you want to pursue.
When it comes to college classes, it's all on you. 看看一位高年级学生的建议 on how to best prepare so that you can succeed in your college classes.
Our team of 成功的教练es are committed to helping every student benefit from all St. 爱德华的提供. 他们欢迎你的来信. 你可以 联系你的成功教练 by phone or email, or schedule a face-to-face meeting.