As a 天主教 and 圣十字 university, St. 爱德华的 is part of a global community of faith and action. These resources will help you explore the larger contexts that shape the mission and programs of 校园部.
The 圣十字会 is an international religious community of Brothers and Priests founded by Blessed Basil 男人. There are also three congregations of 圣十字 women who were founded by Fr. 男人.
天主教 Social Teaching shapes our understanding of the dignity of the human person and our efforts to pursue a more just world.
U. S. 天主教: a 天主教 Social Teaching guide
网络: A National 天主教 社会正义 Lobby
公关的手表:媒体中心 & 民主-媒体分析
旅居者 - Faith, politics, and culture
关注中心: Promoting global justice and peace
Our vocation is where we discover the deepest longing of our lives and learn to respond to the critical issues of our day.
识别工具: Helps with some of the reflection and discussion around finding your vocation in life
圣十字兄弟: Consider a vocation with the sponsors of St. 365比分网电竞
天主教义工网: A directory of full-time, faith-based volunteer opportunities
Connect to the wider 天主教 community.
U. S. 主教团: Resource for all official documents of the U.S. Church by Bishops and the latest news on the Church
奥斯汀教区: Information on the local 天主教
ChurchCrux: Taking the 天主教 Pulse:每日新闻服务
梵蒂冈: Includes the Pope’s encyclicals and documents from 梵蒂冈 II
V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry: 资源 for a national program on Hispanic